Bitches Abroad
This is Bitches Abroad, a podcast that was started by two friends that suck at staying in touch with each other when they don’t live in the same city. This podcast will center around living abroad, traveling (international and domestic), and everything that goes along with that. They understand their perspective is only one and that they have immense privilege for the experiences they have gained in life. It should also be noted that everything they say should be taken with a grain of salt because really that makes the tequila tastier. Remember to hope for the worst, and expect the worst.
Bitches Abroad
How to Navigate Airports like a Pro
Der & Liv
Season 1
Episode 15
On this week’s episode Liv and Der explain how to conquer the airport as your most fabulous self. Really they explain how to navigate the airport in the most efficient way and they give tips to make sure you won’t miss your flights. One major tip is function and comfort over style, and always make sure to sit by your gate when you’re tired. Der can’t make up her mind whether to line up early or wait to get on the plane and Liv pleads that everyone be patient and kind while dealing with airport employees.